Secret #2 - My Laughing Buddha
I have a Buddha in my belly. Yes, I know what you are thinking - you thought I was vegetarian.
I have a Buddha in my belly. Yes, I know what you are thinking - you thought I was vegetarian.
No, but really, one of the most successful personal mastery techniques I have created for myself is to lend my belly to a chunky, squinty-eyed, smiley Buddha. I put him there when I realized that sometimes I have no control of my mind - or at least that is how it occurs to me. I wander into deep dark rabbit holes and participate in conversations of self doubt, judgement and doom and am left all alone with my out of control mind.
It seemed like sometimes, I could get myself out of it rather quickly, sometimes I needed to talk to one of my coaches and then there were those rare moments where it seemed like I was drowning in quicksand and my thoughts echoed on loud speaker. Here is where my laughing Buddha comes in.
My Buddha in my belly hoots and howls when my thoughts spiral out of control. He is trained to do that. I stop and ask him why he is laughing and he says something like "oh Michelle sweet girl why are you thinking such negative thoughts? You know that is not who you are. You have created a reality that is stressful and negative. You have the power to have anything you want in your life. You are so silly. Silly girl. Silly, silly girl." He then continues laughing and laughing almost to the point of tears. He sees how ridiculous I am being because he knows who I really am.
I begin to snicker with my Buddha and realize he is right. How did I get so far off my course or so far detached from who I really am? It is then that I can see useful actions to take and empowered ways of being I can create.
I love my laughing Buddha in my belly - it is the most successful self-mastery technique I have generated for myself.
I encourage you to create your own character - your partner - your own personal coach between your two ears or like mine, in your belly.