Woman of the Week
What do you do for a living?
I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and founder of Daring Divas USA, LLC.
What is your purpose in life?
My purpose in life is to inspire women to be daring and take the risks required to create extraordinary, fulfilled and lit up lives.
If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us?
Dare to do something that scares you every day! It is by busting through our comfort zones that we create the most fulfilling relationships and careers. In the process we build our confidence, which brings us more happiness and allows us to make a bigger positive impact on the world. I’m not talking about jumping out of airplanes here, although if that’s what does if for you, go for it! Here are some examples of what I’m talking about: Call up someone who you haven’t told “I love you” in a long time (like a parent or friend) and tell them, take a stand for something you deserve like asking for a promotion at work or to be treated with respect by your partner, take the leap and start that business you’ve been dreaming of. What could you do that’s a little bit scary, but will lead you closer to the life you envision?
What is your super power?
Bringing women into community to support and empower each other to create extraordinary lives!
If you could interview any woman alive today, who would it be and why?
As cliché as it may sound, I would interview Oprah. She has endured so much hardship in her life yet has created such success and done so much good in the world. I want a slice of her wisdom.
What is your next big pursuit in life?
My next big pursuit in life is to bring Daring Divas communities to cities across the country, so women have a supportive place to create the nourishing friendships they long for.