I used to have anxiety about my life's purpose. Not trying to figure it out, but the angst of trying to change the world - make a huge impact for the betterment of humanity. I felt like I needed to have a million conversations at once and be in a million places simultaneously. I was always searching for my one cause - my purpose for being here. It wore me out - it was exhausting! I would stress out about having to travel the world to find the people I was supposed to help and place I was supposed to be.
I have since had an epiphany. Thank goodness. I realized that I change the world by impacting the people in my direct circumference. I can make a greater difference by making sure the people in my life are winning in their life. I got REALLY clear that I win if they I win. That is the ultimate game.
Since shifting my perception, my life has opened up and I started to really get how incredible people in my life really are! They are up to big things, they have big hearts and they want to make a difference too. It is exponential math really. If my friends, family and colleagues are empowered, the ripple effect is endless.
My life's work is to have an impact globally and I can see that it all starts with you. You can count on me to make sure you are winning in your life. You can count on me to have conversations with you that will make a difference. You can count on me to change the world.
Much love.
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