Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rachel Peterson

Woman of the Week - The Echo Project

Rachel and I met through our love of music. We end up at Red Rocks together almost every year. She is a strong, confident beautiful woman and I have always admired her. I also love a woman who is brave enough to bring her knitting project to Red Rocks to have something to do while she waits - extremely efficient!  Her passion for music is a gift to the world and she is an amazing mother. 

What do you do for a living? I am a project manager and geologist with an environmental consulting firm in Denver. I’ve been working for the same small company for 10 years, and most days I love what I do. My job is intellectually stimulating, I do something different every day, I work with great people, I have a lot of responsibility and room for growth, and it’s a great place to work as a full-time working mother. I’m very thankful for the career path I’ve found myself in.

What is your purpose in life? Hard question! As a mother to a little girl, I take a lot of responsibility for raising a strong, independent, powerful, kind, and smart woman. I also find a lot of gratification in sharing my love of music with the people in my life and in my community. I am absolutely passionate about supporting live, independent music, and through my history as a bluegrass radio DJ and now as a house concert hostess, I’m doing my part to share my love of acoustic music with everyone I come into contact with and to support all the amazing musicians out there who are trying to make a living through their art!

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us? I’m constantly striving to support the other women in my life and in my career. If women are to be truly valued in all societies, and by our male counterparts, we have to start by supporting each other! I see too many women, especially in a professional setting, who are threatened by the successes of other women, and it sets up a vicious cycle of women cutting each other down instead of us raising each other up.

What is your super power? I think I am an awesome multi-tasker, and I am very organized. It’s the only way I stay on top of things in my very busy life. Very thankful that these are skills I possess.

If you could interview any woman alive today, who would it be and why? There are a lot of awesome women doing great things in the world right now. But I might just like to talk to other working mamas about how on earth they find the balance. Everyone has different tips and tricks, and I can use any and all advice given to me. Or else Beyonce.

What did you want to be when you were 5 years old? I couldn’t remember, so I asked my mom, and she said I wanted to be a magician!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Adventures in Utah - Keely and My Intimate Yoga Experience

"However you are or aren't is perfect," Keely begins, "I ask my students, where do they go when it is hard? I remind them that whatever they are dealing with in life, will show up in yoga."

Warrior 1 has always been a difficult posture for me. Even more so than triangle, or standing bow pulling. I don't know why this is. It is a powerful, strong and intentional posture, one that you would think would I love. I flash back to my Warrior 1 as Keely talks, thinking about what my own struggle about this posture says about what I am dealing with in my life. 

"I quit teaching a while back," she continues, "because I thought someone else was better than me. I actually convinced myself that I couldn't teach. I had it that you were either born a yogi or not. I constantly compared myself to other teachers." 

Keely is an awesome yoga instructor. She creates community and oneness in her class, which I find unique. Hers is the first class I have ever taken where we did partner yoga. I have to admit, my heart sank a little when she informed us we would be doing this in class. Here I was, in the middle of the business district in Salt Lake City, standing in the Department of Environmental Quality building, a strange place in and of itself to be Zen, in a room full of strangers asked to share an intimate posture with my neighbor. 

I took a deep breath. Would she pair me with the stocky guy in the glasses to my right? I had a brief panic attack thinking about our bodies smashed together in any sort of downward facing dog or crouching tiger. (Is that even a yoga pose?) I know, so third grade of me, but my humanity was at play. You can't help but feel a little vulnerable in yoga, completely exposed. It is as if everyone can see you, all of you. It would be one thing to do partner yoga with Jeremy, that would be kind of fun, but a stranger? Yikes! I settled down when my inner voice reminded me that we were all here to partake in a peaceful, meditative experience. We, as a class, made an agreement simply by passing through the doorway that we would love, honor and cherish each other for the entire 65 minutes. What the hell I thought, when in Utah...

"So, what is your purpose in life?" I asked Keely after the class over an iced tea and Smart Water. 

"To love, to teach and to lead - to create connectedness. To get people in relationship together."

"Like the partner yoga?" I asked, "You certainly created connectedness there."

"Exactly!" she beamed. 

Next question. 

"If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, and we all spoke the same language, what would you say to us?"

She didn't even hesitate. "I would tell you all just how much I love you. I would remind you to be present to love and connection. What I want available for you is to know how loved and precious you are. Inside of love you could do anything."

Wow. I was blown away. How eloquent she sounded, like she had practiced that before. I am clear Keely knows who she is. It occurred in her sharing that her purpose in life was a conviction rather than just a bright trendy idea. I smiled. 

Yoga has been great for Keely. It kind of saved her from herself you could say. She used to be a bully and desire power over others. When I asked her where this came from, she shared that her mind is trapped with a re-occurring question of "do you approve of me?" It is what she and I refer to as an unanswerable question, something you will spend your life trying to prove or answer for yourself. She used to look for ways to prove to her self and to others that she was worth something and sometimes it came at the cost of others self-esteem. 

Yoga was a great place for Keely to feel free and discover herself. It wasn't yoga alone though, Keely has, over the years, done a series of personal development courses, one-on-one work with coaches and had other life experiences that have opened up this space for her to be her true self and love unconditionally. I admire her and the work she has done. You can tell she is free by being around her. 

Back to the yoga room. I know you are all interested in how the partner yoga ended up for me. Keely paired me with a young woman to my left, though I had talked myself into being open to whatever experience the Universe had in store for me. Keely began to direct the posture. My body slowly formed a backbend over my partner’s front bend. Hold one...two...three, breathe ...four...five...six, breathe...

My mind raced as I battled to relax. My inner dialogue went something like this: "Don't mess this up. Don't put too much weight on her. Am I leaning too much? Is this awkward for her? Am I doing this right? How long have we been in this posture? Should I just start coming out so I don't squish her? Has she done this before?" My neighbors laughing interrupted my thoughts. I couldn't help but smile. I thought about how we all handle intimacy differently. When faced with truly being with another human, looking at each other in the eye or back bending over one another, sharing an intimate moment, we are faced with what we ourselves are dealing with. It is a pure reflection of who we are and the space we are currently in. breathe, hold...breathe, hold...release and reverse. 

We ended the posture; I smiled and thanked my beautiful partner. 

I acknowledged Keely after class for sharing her incredible talent as a teacher and for who she is in the world. My heart is filled with love when I see her. She hopes to one day open her own yoga studio in Salt Lake City and I know she will. 

Now to share with you how I know Keely. I coached her in a communication course. She is the one who introduced me to Carol Masheter, the oldest woman to summit the highest peak on each of the 7 continents, the reason I traveled 454 miles to the other side of my Rocky Mountains, the woman I came to interview. Her story is yet to come. 

But next, you will hear about another woman you will fall in love with. As if you had a choice. 

Keely and her husband in a partner yoga class.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sherri Cooper

Woman of the Week - The Echo Project

Sherri is pure love. She ALWAYS has a big smile and hug for me every time I see her. She coached me in an educational course I took and we became instant friends. I promise if you ever get the chance to meet her, you will feel her warmth instantly. It is no accident that her big heart is dedicated to saving hearts. Enjoy learning more about Miss Sherri Cooper. 

1. What do you do for a living? I own and operate Hands Over Hearts, medical training company. We teach CPR, first aid, babysitting, food handling and phlebotomy. We also offer pet CPR and all courses are available in Spanish.
2. What is your purpose in life? My purpose is to enlighten and empower others in a generous and loving  way.
3. If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us? Open up! Be aware of the world around you and see the beauty and elegance in each person and thing. The beauty of women is the ability to adapt and offer instinctively what is needed.
4. What is your super power? Generosity and acceptance of others
5. If you could interview any woman alive today, who would it be and why? Oprah. She is the embodiment of he kind of woman I aspire to be. 
6. What did you want to be when you were 5 years old? A teacher or a truck driver. Hehe

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Adventures in Utah - Bree Part 1

As I begin to share who Bree is for me and for the world I pause. I am moved to my very core. She holds a true piece of my heart. 

It is rare that you encounter someone like her in your lifetime and it is even more rare to form a close friendship with that person. I will give you a cosmetic background before I share her soul. 

Bree is an interior designer, a mother of three 5 lb puppies, a fitness competitor, a world traveler and my favorite, a Canadian. I love the way she says mum, sorry and outside. Her home is painted with color, fabric and art - her wardrobe simple, elegant and filled with muted tones. To paint the complete picture, her eyes fall right in line with mine at 5'2" and her jet black hair is in complete contrast with her fair skin. 

What is interesting about our interactions is that we have the same thought patterns, habits and mannerisms. We are continually finishing each others sentences and the phrase "that's how I am too!" is echoed too often to count. 

Bree picked me up from the airport and my grumbling stomach landed us at Whole Foods. This is where I had my next impromptu interview. Bree is training for a fitness competition, specifically a bikini competition, something that is seemingly out of character for her as she is usually a private person, modest in nature. 

We both grabbed our veggie filled salads from the bar and plopped ourselves down amongst the other health-conscience, kale-lovin locals. 

I started to ask her the proverbial "how are you, what is new" questions that I have become auto-programmed to spew out when I first encounter someone I haven't seen in more than 3 days. Our conversation gravitated toward her fitness competition which is consuming her world right now. She shared some of the highs and lows of it - not having enough energy - but being in the best shape of her life - waking up at 1:00 a.m. in the morning in tears because she is so hungry - but being thrilled to discover all the people eager to contribute to her success and stand by her side. She is at the gym about 4 hours per day and has her food measured, weighed and prepped out a week in advance. She is a living, breathing machine. 

I have to admit, my ego and identity was fascinated with what she was taking on. Secretly envious of the discipline she had developed around her eating and how slim and fit she had become. I was quickly snapped back to reality when her tone softened as she started to share the emotional side of her journey, the one that is often overlooked but I could easily relate to. 

One of the hardest parts of this experience is the constant judgement from others. She was getting it from all angles. The people flashing her confusing looks as she practices her swimsuit walk in the gym, the friends she shares her breakdowns with that advise her to "just eat a few potato chips!" or even worse, the stories she makes up in her own dangerous head about what everyone else says and thinks about her. If the roles were reversed, she would judge the same she admits. 

"Bree," I interrupted "it doesn't matter what others think initially -  it is who you are BEING about it that they will respond to. Do you know that your story is actually inspiring and not dis-empowering? Especially when you open your mouth and share what is really behind your decision to do this competition."  

"Yes I know," she smiled, "but sometimes I feel like the only people to vent to and share with are other people in my fitness community. They are the only ones that get it - all of it."

My inner core screamed so loud I think I almost shouted my response, in my next monologue - "Bree THAT is why you have to share your story with others! You HAVE to tell people, WOMEN ESPECIALLY about your journey so we are all left empowered and not dis-empowered by your experience. Every person you DON'T share with is another person that may make up a story about you like "oh she is just blessed with great genes" or "she is so vain, she only cares about what she looks like" - these people won't have the chance to get to the bottom of what it is THEY are dealing with in their own internal state. By sharing your story, you actually contribute to them and FORWARD their dreams. Stop being afraid of sharing what this journey is really about for you. You have the opportunity to shift something here."

What is great and unique about Bree is she knows all of  her judgments and internal dialogues are actually made up conversations in her head. A fictitious story that her ego has fabricated to survive. This is one of the things that makes her so electric to talk to - we can take negative thought patterns and turn them into powerful action items in a matter of minutes. That is exactly what happened. We spent the rest of the time in an empowering context about what she was up to and brainstormed ways she could use her experience to share and contribute rather than to hide from her own greatness. 

It would have been easy for my identity/ego to indulge in small comments or jokes about her eating, exercise routine or other things related to her training during my visit - and while I probably let a few slip out - I made a conscience effort to instead, learn from what she was doing, encourage her in her efforts and to not bring attention to what she was already dealing with in her own head. 

As I finish this narrative, I realize I have more to share about Bree including the story of how she got replaced in her own sister's wedding by a dog. It is after I heard this story that I was clear her life will make a great screenplay or HBO series so I will in fact share more of Bree with you in later blogs and have now changed this to Part 1. 

What I would like to leave you with is that I am at my best when I am around Bree. I wouldn't change a thing about her and thank her for being so open and candid with me and allowing me to share a piece of her with the world. More to come...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Adventures in Utah - The Three Amigas - Woman #3, 4 & 5

Did you know Utah has beautiful mountains? I felt right at home when I landed. I am now clear that as long as I have tall peaks by my side, I am free, alive and complete. 

I stayed with my friend Bree. Beautiful Bree.  My heart filled when I saw her. Bree and I know each other through some personal development courses we have done together. She is extraordinary - more on her later. 

Bree organized a dinner with two other girlfriends, Robyn and Timaree, upon my arrival. I know Robyn pretty well, but our friendship is still fresh. Robyn is the Marketing Director for one of the biggest ad firms in the country. She is fun, spunky - full of life and love. Also invited was my new friend Timaree. This is a unique relationship because we have an arranged friendship. Bree kept telling me that I have to meet this girl - I have to. The second I met her I knew exactly what Bree meant. She is pure light - a living yoga goddess. I knew her the moment we were introduced. 

I started The Echo project with several key theories, one of which was that there is something brilliant that transpires when powerful women get together. A universal energy that moves things - BIG things. This is exactly what manifested at dinner. 

I can't tell you exactly what happened, we talked about books, men, travel, yoga, fitness, TED talks, we covered the whole lot of it. It was truly magical. Time stopped. Thinking about it now, I imagine it as a scene in a movie - slow motion, music fades in, the camera pans to each of us individually laughing as we enjoy interacting with people around us. If this were a movie scene, this would be the time at which the audience has their "ah ha moment". They, the audience, see that the four of us as a collective have created a idiosyncratic environment - a distinct experience - a unique moment in time where they recognize something has shifted. 

I am now going to dive one step deeper. IF we entertain this "scene in a movie" as a real live phenomenon, we could say that the audience in my story was the people in our direct circumference. And, while these dining guests may not have been fully aware, their experience was directly impacted by the energy we were creating at our table as a collective. Our light, love and laughter had no place to go but to land on others around us. I encourage you to stop and imagine this scene and phenomena for yourself. 

I left the restaurant energized, alive and connected. Timaree and I hugged and agreed to keep in touch, Robyn invited me to a free screening of an independent film the next evening and after a few more hugs, Bree and I were on our way home for the evening. 

That night I sat in bed replaying the encounter with the girls in my mind. What made that so unique? Why was I so moved by it? My hypothesis as I write this, is that all four of us were connected to our true Selves and coming from pure love and affinity. We were genuinely interacting and conversing - our identities and egos were nowhere to be found. A new standard was set for me in my life - something to strive for in all relationships. 

I then took my inquiry one step further. What if this connection I craved wasn't just in my relationships? What if there was a tipping point in all female friendships and interactions? What if this  NEW way of being with one another opened up a space for us all, as women, to interact with our true Selves in a way that forwards peace, love and unity on the planet and actually pulled for a greater purpose in life?  What if we created a world where we started to crave deep, meaningful relationships resulting in a species united? What would be possible? 

Woman #5 is Bree - you get to meet her next. This is a woman you don't want to miss. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Adventures of Utah - Woman #2

Who will the Universe put within 10 feet next? I encountered a few women with whom I exchanged smiles or a few kind words, but I met Woman #2 on the airplane.

Whenever I travel alone, I always wonder who I will end up sitting next to. I am also embarrassed to admit that there have been flights in which I exchanged no words at all with my seat companion(s). But my new commitment led the Universe to plant Megan next to me.

Megan is a beautiful, kind woman, late 20's early 30's if I had to guess. We both settled in, bags under seats, ipods, pads and macs powered down, seat belt buckled and tray top locked before we began a conversation.

I think her opening line was - "these planes are small."
"At least it is a short trip," I returned. "Where are you going?"
"Dallas, for a Choral Director conference."
"A what?"
"Choral Director - like singing, like choirs," she explained.

I then learned that Megan lived in Boulder but was a choral director in Fort Collins for a group of 4th and 5th graders. That began the "I live in Fort Collins" and "we have a lot in common to talk about now" conversation.

We went on, she engaging me in her passion, her story - recent move from Chicago away from her entire family to pursue her Masters and live in this beautiful state with her husband. She was easy to listen to, had a brightness and calmness about her that puts people instantly at ease.

Soon thereafter, we shifted to my story. Of course, this was my opportunity to do an impromptu interview on my trip. She, as ALL the other women I have shared my project with, became instantly interested and was more than happy to participate in the "in-flight" interview. I couldn't have planned it better.

Megan shared that if she had the attention of EVERY woman on the planet she would tell them to do things for them now. Do things that they love, they are interested in and pursue things they really care about. So many women in her life end up with a life that is for others and she feels like they are missing out on what really fills their soul.

This was beautiful. I got the whole of it in that moment and realized I felt the exact same way. I imagined EVERY woman on the planet standing up and saying "I will pursue my dreams," resulting in a planet where love was present in EVERY interaction. It was cool.

Then comes my second favorite question - what is your life purpose? This has a tendency to stump women, they pause, but not Megan. She was connected to it I could tell.

Her purpose in life is to build a loving family with her husband. She moved out here to pursue her dreams and be in a beautiful environment and find the perfect place to raise her kids. She continued to explain what was next for her and her husband and I was moved. It is so nice to encounter people who have so much clarity for themselves. In a world where we can easily choose to deal with our identity and ego instead of being, just BEING our true selves, I was impressed.

We completed the conversation, each dove into our homework, me to finish my book by Carol and her to finish studying before the conference and dozed off at 36, 000 feet. She handed me her card after landing, smiled and said she would love to hear more about the project and I countered with that plus possibly getting together in Fort Collins sometime. We both agreed and she went on her way.

I was lit up. Simple conversation but from a completely new context. I find that when you have a genuine interest in what people are dealing with, what they are up to and who they are, your conversations are so much more powerful.

Here is to Megan and her sweet voice in the world.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Adventures of Utah - Women #1 Within A 10 Foot Radius

I promised myself and my current board of directors (yes I have appointed 10 women plus Jeremy as my official board of directors for my life) that I would take on this Utah trip as an amateur anthropologist/journalist/adventurer. I will be here not only to interview Carol Masheter (more to come on her) but as one entire inquiry into who women are, what we are up to, what we are dealing with and what our purpose is. SO, I committed to interact with every women within a 10 foot radius of myself whether it was a conversation or an intentional smile and eye contact, which is usually easily avoidable for most human beings. I started this yesterday at the airport. Here is what happened with Woman #1. 

Woman #1
I decided to go through the bridge security at DIA - after all, if I am going to start traveling the globe, I may as well get to know all aspects of my airport. I started my inquiry here. I listened attentively to what mother-daughter conversations were taking place, counted how many women were seemingly traveling alone (much like myself) and was interested in how many women I thought were from my home state and how many were venturing home to theirs. As I made it through security, I encountered my first opportunity to interact via conversation. 

A woman, mildly irritated, was barking questions into thin air regarding the location of B gates. Oh, she was barking at ME, I quickly realized. I explained I was headed to gate C and I thought the elevator (according to the sign) was headed in that direction and mentioned we could go together. She was in an obvious hurry. We stopped to wait for the doors.
 "I hate this airport" she went on in a crusty tone. 
"Oh I love it! I have traveld to a handful of airports in the past year and find this one to be my favorite. Very beautiful and easy to maneuver" I replied. 
"Oh it's not that, it is that the NEVER have enough people to get us through security in a timely mannor. PLUS the snow this morning made the trafic atrocious!" (remember this snow comment for the next part of the story)
I broke my own conversation ettiquite rule - make sure you are clear what they are saying before you reply. 
"Are you late for your flight?"
"YES!" (still angry and brows furrowed)
"Where are you from?" (we enter the elevator and I push button) 
"Pensylvania - push the button, we are going to the same place. We come out once per year. NEVER has this airport been so bad!"
She is obviously still upset at the airport, weird because the airport doesn't seem to have resentment for her at all. Inanamate be mad at them or not? 
We parted ways upon the opening of the elevator and stood in line for the train at different doors. Her grumpy energy wasn't really attractive. The train arrives, we all get in and I of course land RIGHT next to her again. Oh yes, the Universe didn't think I was done with the interaction. 
"So what were you doing here in Colorado?"
"Skiing. We went to Beaver Creek, Vail and Breckenridge. Your worst snow is our BEST snow. We love skiing out here."
Hmm, she was now starting to lighten up. Interesting. Let's hear more. 
"So you had fun? The snow has been really good lately. Better than the last two years for sure."
"Oh yes, couldn't have been any better. One of our best ski trips yet. Looking forward to coming back, we didn't want to leave."
Hmmm, I was confused, did she love the snow or hate the snow - I think she was even confused if you were to ask her. Yes, tormented by a love hate relationship for the white stuff. I found it funny. 
"Well, I am happy to hear you enjoy our mountains, we are sure fond of them."
Train stops and she starts grumbling again something under her breath about the time, the airport and the snow. Says goodbye and is on her way. 

Now I have time to process this conversation a bit. I was able for a breif momoent in time connect her to something that she was actually lit up by, that lightened a seemingly dark (in her mind) situation and how quickly she snapped back to her upset. I got that we are all dealing with and trying to manuver through our circumstances instead of truly just living in the moment and remember we are here for the entire experience. Nothing wrong with her way of being, it is actually part of our programming as humans, survival and trapped sometimes in our own experience of things. Stepping into a NEW way of thinking is actually a choice and a muscle we have to build.  I was newly inspired to be with whatever happens to me and take it in stride. I am also committed that my interactions with everyone make a difference and empower people - like even free them up from being consumed by their circumstances. 

This brings up one of my favorite Jeremy quotes - "don't let it ruin your day - whatever it is!"

Can't wait to tell you about woman #2 with whom I sat next to on the airplane. 


Monday, March 11, 2013

Delores Tronco

Woman of the Week The Echo Project

Delores an I are cut from the same mold I swear. She is uber organized, always the leader, extremely creative, loves people and could no doubt run a small country if given the opportunity. You want something done right? Go to Delores. She is Jeremy's cousin and it has been a treat getting to know her over the years and watching her blossom. She is also one I can count on to play games at family events - Bananagram! 

What do you do for a living? I am currently the Director of Human Resources for an independent restaurant group in Denver; however, I am excited to be opening my own restaurant for the very first time later this summer in Denver's Ballpark/River North neighborhood.

What is your life's purpose?
My life's purpose is first and foremost to treat others with kindness, respect, and compassion. Second is to create inclusive, welcoming, and unpretentious spaces and experiences for the people around me--whether those be strangers eating in my restaurant for the first time, employees who belong to our professional family, or those in my circle of family and friends.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us?
I'd tell women to be courageous--that is, to stand up for what's right in each and every situation we come across, regardless of the consequences. Stop apologizing for your convictions. They make you who you are.

What is your super power?
Intuition, or that "sixth sense" about people. I have a gift for reading people, group dynamics, situations, etc.

If you could interview any woman alive today, who would it be and why?
I would interview Alicia Keys. Not only is she incredibly driven and talented; she also seems to be very humble and grounded. I've been listening to her albums for years, and would love to have a conversation with her one day.

What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
I wanted to be a professional figure skater. This is rather comical in retrospect, especially considering that I haven't ever been ice-skating...even now.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Voices of Women

Michelle Marison

Woman of the Week

I had to laugh when I got to Monday to post and have about 6 women on deck to be featured but was either missing a photo, they had requested me to wait or had asked for more time to think about their questions. Why is this funny? Because one of my coaches had just challenged me to start sharing who I am in addition to sharing about other women. It is funny how often we "hide" in life. So I decided to be bold and be my own woman of the week! 

What do you do for a living?
I run my own consulting company - specializing in marketing, public relations, personal coaching, project management and event planning. 

What is your purpose in life?
To be philanthropic global leader who's purpose is to build healthy, joyful and prosperous communities enlivening humanity's self expression. I am that everyone is operating at their fullest potential and experiences pure joy. 

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us?
Laugh at yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself. The world is waiting for you to make the difference you have always wanted to. Now is your moment. 

What is your super power?
Knowing my elevation in any moment and bringing out the best in others. (a KILLER combo I know) 

What brings you the most joy in life?
Climbing 14ers, adventures with Jeremy, traveling the world, being an Aunt and helping others achieve their dreams.

What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
An astronaut - I have always been fascinated with the Universe.

Grace Powers

Woman of the Week

Grace and I met in a program designed for leaders and entrepreneurs. She embodies the grace and beauty of a powerful woman, so her name is truly fitting. Grace is one of those rare people in life that you have an instant love and affinity for and she has a gift of seeing the greatness in others in every moment. The world needs more Grace. 

Current Occupation:
I own Acomoclitic Hair Removal Studio in Lakewood where we specialize in Brazilian hair removal for women and men. (We call it the Acomoclitic when all the pubic hair is removed.) I have created 3 of my own product lines that relate to our business:, My Pink Wink Cream and Sugar Shack Sugar. I teach classes to estheticians on how to sugar. I am a real estate investor.

Your Life's Purpose: To improve others self confidence and have them step out of their comfort zone to find their greatness.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to us:
Expose your secret self...liberate your wild side!

Your Super Power: Creating my life.

If you could interview any woman alive today, you would interview…because...
Lori Nestore. She is known as the Wax Queen and is in a similar business as me, although has many more years into it as well as a much larger multi-million dollar establishment selling her own wax and other products, as well as teaching. She is one of my role models and I want to achieve similar goals as she has.

When you were 5 years old, you wanted to be:
A dancer and singer.

Stephanie Seguin

Woman of the Week
Photo: Woman of the Week The Chatterbox Project - Stephanie Seguin

Stephanie is my cousin on my moms side of the family. I love Stephanie for her honest approach to life, her stand for powerful women in the world and her sense of humor. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with and they broke the mold when they created her!

Current occupation: I write fiction (short stories at the moment), mother a three year old, and organize with National Women's Liberation
Your life purpose: I think my purpose in life is to learn, not just the square root of 99 and how far the sun is from the earth, but how to be the best Stephanie Seguin I can be, how to use up all the love in my heart, and how to leave this planet a better place than I found it.
If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to us: We are all in the same boat. We're more alike than we know! Let's make a promise to band together, to always have each other's back, to hold each other up, dig each other out of ditches and not sell each other out. Women Unite!
Your Superpower: My husband calls me "oxcart" because I have uncanny, unexplainable strength. I think my ancestors must have been plow pushers or something.
If you could interview any woman alive today, you would interview: As a reader, writer and a mom, I'd love to chat with a woman who created the most beloved characters of a generation (while caring for small children!)
When you were 5 years old, you wanted to be: When I was five I wanted to be a writer, an oceanographer or a professional football player.

Stephanie is my cousin on my moms side of the family. I love Stephanie for her honest approach to life, her stand for powerful women in the world and her sense of humor. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with and they broke the mold when they created her!

Current occupation:
I write fiction (short stories at the moment), mother a three year old, and organize with National Women's Liberation

Your life purpose:
I think my purpose in life is to learn, not just the square root of 99 and how far the sun is from the earth, but how to be the best Stephanie Seguin I can be, how to use up all the love in my heart, and how to leave this planet a better place than I found it.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to us: We are all in the same boat. We're more alike than we know! Let's make a promise to band together, to always have each other's back, to hold each other up, dig each other out of ditches and not sell each other out. Women Unite!

Your Superpower: My husband calls me "oxcart" because I have uncanny, unexplainable strength. I think my ancestors must have been plow pushers or something.

If you could interview any woman alive today, you would interview: 
J. K. Rowling. As a reader, writer and a mom, I'd love to chat with a woman who created the most beloved characters of a generation (while caring for small children!)

When you were 5 years old, you wanted to be: When I was five I wanted to be a writer, an oceanographer or a professional football player.

Kris Boesch

Woman of the Week
Photo: Woman of the Week The Chatterbox Project - Kris Boesch

I know Kris through a few mutual friends and have heard her speak a few times at events I attended. She is a powerhouse. I have the privilege to be in a woman’s coaching group with her this year. 

Current occupation: CEO of Choose People
What brings you the most joy in life:  People’s inherent goodness.
Your life purpose:  To be the catalyst that creates a ripple effect of real deal, 
meaningful goodness.
If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to them: Love your life and live big.
Big goal in life, the one that scares you the most: Right now, to finish the Tough Mudder in June with dignity.  Long term, simply playing big and to go out knowing that I lived every day in the full integrity and potential of who I am.
When you were 5 years old you wanted to be: A teacher

I know Kris through a few mutual friends and have heard her speak a few times at events I attended. She is a powerhouse. I have the privilege to be in a woman’s coaching group with her this year.

Current occupation:
CEO of Choose People

What brings you the most joy in life: People’s inherent goodness.

Your life purpose:
To be the catalyst that creates a ripple effect of real deal,
meaningful goodness.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to them:
Love your life and live big.

Big goal in life, the one that scares you the most: Right now, to finish the Tough Mudder in June with dignity.
Long term, simply playing big and to go out knowing that I lived every day in the full integrity and potential of who I am.

When you were 5 years old you wanted to be: A teacher

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mel Jensen

Woman of the Week 

Mel was a sweet surprise in my life, introduced by another friend and landed in one of my woman’s coaching groups - The Barefoot Gardeners.
She is sweet, quirky and intelligent. 

What I love about her is that she doesn’t take life or herself seriously. 
Mel marches to the beat of her own drum and is very self expressed. 
I am drawn to her self-confidence and her creative character. 

Mel inspires me as I watch her dive into school once again to obtain her law license. She has the biggest heart, wanting to make a difference for those around her and is willing to fight for her cause. 

When I first met Mel, she had a potty trained pet rabbit that would make cameos during the daily goings on in the Jensen household. 

Here is what Mel said: 

Current occupation: full time law student

What brings you the most joy in life: making food for friends, family, or strangers 

Your life purpose: the restoration of my community, my city, and my country

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to them: you make ripples in your community that you will never see or hear about; what you are doing is important.

Big goal in life, the one that scares you the most: to be both an attorney and a mother. Or just a mother seems scary enough.

When you were 5 years old you wanted to be: a writer. Or a monkey.