Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kris Boesch

Woman of the Week
Photo: Woman of the Week The Chatterbox Project - Kris Boesch

I know Kris through a few mutual friends and have heard her speak a few times at events I attended. She is a powerhouse. I have the privilege to be in a woman’s coaching group with her this year. 

Current occupation: CEO of Choose People
What brings you the most joy in life:  People’s inherent goodness.
Your life purpose:  To be the catalyst that creates a ripple effect of real deal, 
meaningful goodness.
If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to them: Love your life and live big.
Big goal in life, the one that scares you the most: Right now, to finish the Tough Mudder in June with dignity.  Long term, simply playing big and to go out knowing that I lived every day in the full integrity and potential of who I am.
When you were 5 years old you wanted to be: A teacher

I know Kris through a few mutual friends and have heard her speak a few times at events I attended. She is a powerhouse. I have the privilege to be in a woman’s coaching group with her this year.

Current occupation:
CEO of Choose People

What brings you the most joy in life: People’s inherent goodness.

Your life purpose:
To be the catalyst that creates a ripple effect of real deal,
meaningful goodness.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what you would say to them:
Love your life and live big.

Big goal in life, the one that scares you the most: Right now, to finish the Tough Mudder in June with dignity.
Long term, simply playing big and to go out knowing that I lived every day in the full integrity and potential of who I am.

When you were 5 years old you wanted to be: A teacher

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