Saturday, March 9, 2013

Michelle Marison

Woman of the Week

I had to laugh when I got to Monday to post and have about 6 women on deck to be featured but was either missing a photo, they had requested me to wait or had asked for more time to think about their questions. Why is this funny? Because one of my coaches had just challenged me to start sharing who I am in addition to sharing about other women. It is funny how often we "hide" in life. So I decided to be bold and be my own woman of the week! 

What do you do for a living?
I run my own consulting company - specializing in marketing, public relations, personal coaching, project management and event planning. 

What is your purpose in life?
To be philanthropic global leader who's purpose is to build healthy, joyful and prosperous communities enlivening humanity's self expression. I am that everyone is operating at their fullest potential and experiences pure joy. 

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us?
Laugh at yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself. The world is waiting for you to make the difference you have always wanted to. Now is your moment. 

What is your super power?
Knowing my elevation in any moment and bringing out the best in others. (a KILLER combo I know) 

What brings you the most joy in life?
Climbing 14ers, adventures with Jeremy, traveling the world, being an Aunt and helping others achieve their dreams.

What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
An astronaut - I have always been fascinated with the Universe.

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