Friday, October 4, 2013

Yummy Secret to Happiness #2

Mindful Eating

I hate diets. I even dislike nutrition plans. What I do love is mindful eating. 

What I try to do is notice how certain foods make me feel. Am I tired in the afternoon? What foods have I indulged in or not eaten enough of? Do I have a ton of energy? What foods did I eat that contributed to my energy spike? I keep a mental checklist of how many carbs, fruits, veggies and proteins I have eaten every day to make sure my body is getting what it needs for me to be at peak performance. If my body is happy, I am happy.

Every once in a while I will go on a cleanse and am strict for about a week then add back in more complex healthy foods. Great to clean out your body and hit the reset button. 

Here is a little sneak peek into my mindful eating. 

My Super Foods:
Coconut Milk
Chia Seeds
Hemp Seeds
Purified H20
Dark Chocolate
Olive Oil
Herbal Tea
Carrot Juice

Foods I try to limit:

Foods I don't eat:
Processed foods

Favorite Shake Recipes:
Chocolate shake mix (Shakeology) 
1/2 Avocado
Coconut Milk

Strawberry shake mix (Shakeology)
Coconut Milk
Hemp Seeds
Chia Seeds
Pomegranate Juice (POM)
1/2 Banana
Orange Juice (Odwalla)
Carrot Juice (Odwalla)

Fresh Berries

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bite Sized Happiness

20 Ways I Create Happiness In My Life

I once had an acquaintance ask me my secret to happiness. She commented that I always seemed so positive and happy. How did I do this? This question perplexed me. I hadn’t realized how happy I was coming across. This was probably one of the best compliments I have ever received and to this day pledge to always look for new ways to create infectious happiness on the planet. After watching the movie “Happy” one weekend, I felt compelled to share what works for me. I doubt anything you read below will be new and we might have the majority of this list in common but I share this because I want a conscience conversation about happiness to be present in the world.

I have decided to give you bite sized insights into happiness over the next 20 days. I tried to do it all in one document but it became too long and I couldn't dive deeply into each topic! So 20 days it is. 

Please feel free to comment with things that contribute to your happiness. The only rule is it can’t be an object or specific person, it has to be a way of being or a pattern of doing that makes a difference. Instead of “My Grandma makes me happy”, it is “being in communication with people I love on a daily basis.” This detaches you from items or things and creates a way of being that is sustainable and transferable. You don’t become reliable on one thing or person, but rather, an entire Universe full of happiness. 

These will be posted in no particular order:

#1 Dancing

I dance around the house and dance to music in the bathroom in the morning. Moving my body helps me to stretch and gets my blood moving. It also reminds me not to take myself too seriously. I have to admit, if you saw my "house" would bust out laughing, it is pretty ridiculous, but it works! I have even figured out how to dance while I make the bed. If I don't want to work out...I just turn on music and dance my bootie off. 

Why it makes me happy:
I feel alive, free and my true self. I feel young, vibrant and authentic. My endorphins increase and I ALWAYS have a smile. 

My favorite song right now to dance to is:
Vampire Weekend - Unbelievers

What makes you bust a move?