Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jessie May

Woman of the Week

Jessie May was introduced to me through a mutual friend. She is bold, courageous and powerful. Her and my mission in life seem to be in alignment - she is all about empowering women and making sure we are all being the best and brightest versions of ourselves. She has a unique way of including everyone around her in a very magical way. She is a master of interacting and transforming her environment AND her smile is infectious. Enjoy Jessie May. xo

What do you do for a living? 
I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and founder of Daring Divas USA, LLC.

What is your purpose in life? 
My purpose in life is to inspire women to be daring and take the risks required to create extraordinary, fulfilled and lit up lives.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us? 
Dare to do something that scares you every day! It is by busting through our comfort zones that we create the most fulfilling relationships and careers. In the process we build our confidence, which brings us more happiness and allows us to make a bigger positive impact on the world. I’m not talking about jumping out of airplanes here, although if that’s what does if for you, go for it! Here are some examples of what I’m talking about: Call up someone who you haven’t told “I love you” in a long time (like a parent or friend) and tell them, take a stand for something you deserve like asking for a promotion at work or to be treated with respect by your partner, take the leap and start that business you’ve been dreaming of. What could you do that’s a little bit scary, but will lead you closer to the life you envision?

What is your super power? 
Bringing women into community to support and empower each other to create extraordinary lives!

If you could interview any woman alive today, who would it be and why? 
As cliché as it may sound, I would interview Oprah. She has endured so much hardship in her life yet has created such success and done so much good in the world. I want a slice of her wisdom.

What is your next big pursuit in life?
My next big pursuit in life is to bring Daring Divas communities to cities across the country, so women have a supportive place to create the nourishing friendships they long for.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Secrets of Self Mastery #4 - The Earth Revolves Around Me

Have you ever been talking with someone, possibly sharing a problem or concern and everything you said or any story you told was one-upped or turned around to be about them? Yes, I too have been guilty of this before and I would love to say it his hidden deep in my past, but it shows up from time to time and here is why.

1. I can be too spongey. I start taking on people's complaints and problems like it is my own and think their life objections and grievances now echoing in my head are actually being said about me somewhere else by someone. This may sound crazy - but my listening can actually go this far south sometimes. I feel the need all of a sudden to defend myself, as if this story had ANYTHING to do with me. 

2. I have no real idea what to say to them. Sometimes I can not relate to the person at all and I am stuck in how to coach them. I will try to grab onto anything I can think of that might help and it usually looks pretty messy and creates an awkward space for them. I have literally said to someone before - "Forget everything I just said. I actually don't know what to say to you, so all I am going to say is I love you, you are perfect and trust yourself - you know exactly what to do." This is by far the best coaching I have ever given, surpasses any of my stories. 

3. I am self conscience. I can start talking too much about myself when I am in my head trying to figure out if someone likes me or not. It is more of a nervous chatter where I actually have a conversation hangover hours after the conversation. That guilt of indulging too much in stories about myself. Yuck. 

4. I am overly confident. For some reason I can sometimes think that I have the voice everyone needs to hear. Well, I am hear to tell you that I don't. Foot in mouth I think is a common expression to explain this scenario. I don't think I need to elaborate much more, you get the picture. 

So - I am completely and utterly aware that the earth does NOT revolve around me and I like to blame my humanity for the instances where I forget that. 

My challenge to you is go get lost in conversation so fully that you disappear. Watch what shows up. I promise it will be profound.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stephanie Carter

Woman of the Week - The Echo Project

I will be really honest - I don't know Stephanie that well. She worked at the Chamber of Commerce when I was on the board of directors and always loved her smile and outlook on life. She was always so pleasant to be around and takes everything in stride. I know her now as a writer pursuing her passion. I love surrounding myself with people who are living big and shooting for the stars - Stephanie is one of those of people. 

1. What do I do for a living? Living is what get's us through each day of our life so it would havet o be my passion for writing. I write everyday, whether it's in my journal, on a current novel, or jotting down notes on a dream I have had that would be a great story.

2. What is your purpose in life? To thrive in the everyday, whatever that might bring. I am a strong believer in the Law of Attraction. What I put into the Universe I will receive, that's the positive and the negative. So I try to staya way from the negative.

3. If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us? I want women to know that no matter how old you are you can still be anything you want to be. You don't have to be a high school graduate to plan your future. Find your passion, your dream, and do everything possible to achieve it. Because you CAN!

4. What is your super power? Openness. I am open to new ideas, people, situations, and challenges. Change is good, take it in stride.

5. If you could interview one person alive today who would it be and why? I would love to interview Patricia Cornwell; writer of the Scarpetta Mysterys. She has achieved so much in her life and I would like to find out more and get advice about writing from her.

6. What is your next big pursuit in life? Living the life of a published writer! Teaching at writer's conferences, being on panels, book tours. Learning more about me.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Big News - Starting A New Chapter

The past 6 months have been an adventure. My decision to leave Home Team Lending last November was a difficult one for many reasons. The main being, I loved the company - the people I worked with and my boss and partner TJ. I had worked with Home Team in different capacities for over 6 years and had grown exponentially, it had become a part of who I was. 

Since then, I have been dabbling in writing, adventure, freelance and travel and I have not been bored to say the least. I have taken on life-altering projects like the Echo Project -  the purpose of which is to empower female leaders globally, the 4th 14er project - speaking to 4th graders about climbing high peaks and dabbled in fund raising and life coaching. Many additional philanthropic endeavors have come to be. Additionally, I was building my client base and working on some pretty cool projects for companies and individuals that sparked my creativity. 

A little over a month ago, I was approached by one of my clients to consider working for them full time. While I wasn't looking for a full time job - the opportunity was intriguing. So I did what I always do when a life changing decision comes my way, I head to my life purpose statement, vision board and goals sheet. Upon my investigation, I found that this opportunity was in direct alignment with what I was up to in the world and where I am headed.  

With all of that said, I am very excited to announce that I have taken a full time position with Landmark Homes as the Sales and Marketing Coordinator. I started my new chapter on May 6th and it has been awesome. I feel fortunate to work with a great team, and have the ability to tap into the left and right side of my brain. 

I will continue to pursue big projects that fill my heart like the Echo Project and the 4th 14er Project but will not be freelance anymore.  

So there you have it. Breaking news. 

Next blog I will tell you about my other newest adventure in June which involves a 6 day, 11 hour and 33 minute ride across the country. 

-- Note --
*My telephone number and email address will remain the same for all personal communication. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sarah Nee

Woman of the Week
The Echo Project

This is a unique post - perfect on the heels of Mother's Day. I used to babysit little Sarah Rue (as I have known her for most of my life) and have watched her blossom into a beautiful woman and mother. I have fond memories of walking across the street and getting a few dollars to entertain her for a few hours. Now, she is entertaining two cuties of her own. It has been fun being part of her life even if from a distance. 

What do you do for a living?  Stay at home mom of two 

What is your purpose in life? To support and my husband, maintain a strong marriage, and help raise two, tiny humans to their full potential 

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us? Stop comparing yourselves to one another and enough with the judgments. Most of us are doing the best we can with what we have. We're hard enough on ourselves, all that extra negativity is so unnecessary and harmful.

What is your super power? My super power is the ability to wake up at the sound of the slightest whimper from across the entire house 

What is your next big pursuit in life?  We're building a home so we're really excited about the next chapter of life for our family 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Parenting - A Certain Kind of Tired

Jeremy and I had the privilege of watching my 1.5 year old (17 months for all you parents) nephew Cooper for 49.5 hours this weekend. A certain kind of tired comes from parenting and I am sure I don't even know the half of it. House now cleaned, the Coops gone, I am reflecting on those 49.5 hours. Here are a few things I learned from Cooper and about Cooper. 

1. He will copy everything you do. Be careful. 
2. He loves to eat dirt. Literally handfuls of it. 
3. He only poops if you feed him. 
4. Eat every meal outside. 
5. All animals say meow or woof. 
6. You are always sitting in his seat. 
7. If you are holding him and feel something wet don't panic…make sure the lid to the bottle was on tight. 
8. Don't wear anything white. Anything. 
9. You may smell like pee and milk at times - this is a mom's perfume. 
10. Make sure you do a walk through of his body before you take him into custody - you don't want to get blamed for any pre existing wounds or black eyes. 
11. Put his shoes on him first thing in the morning, he will be ready to go outside. 
12. He understands more than you think. This can be dangerous. 
13. Take a cat nap when he naps. 
14. During his naps, get ready for the next 3 hours of festivities. 
15. If he is pre occupied, let him be - just let him be. 
16. Don't worry about working out in the morning - you can get a great workout during the day - planed, like kick ball or a walk -  unplanned like running home from the park in the rain. 
17. Take the stroller with you everywhere you go. Don't leave that thing at home. 
18. TV or movies don't work on him. He is too smart to fall for that. 
19. The vacuum is terrifying. Completely and utterly terrifying. Many tears will be shed. This is also true of the leaf blower. 
20. He loves you unconditionally. Love unconditionally. 

We love you Cooper.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Karen Marison

Woman of the Week

As a tribute to Mother's Day - I am featuring the most important woman in my life, my Mom. She is so sweet and special, some of my best traits come from her. My laugh, my eyes and my heart are all hers. My Mom is one of the most patient, kind and selfless people I know. She gives more than she receives and it has been great over the years to begin to see her newly as a grandmother. I love my mom so much and am thankful every day for the gift she has given me, my life - my world - and it is beautiful. Here is my Mother. Happy Mother's Day Mom.

What do you do for a living?
I am a retired RN who is now doing my dream job of caring for my 3 grandchildren 3-4 days a week.

What is your purpose in life?
My purpose in life is to bring happiness to others and to myself.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet, what would you say to us?
First, make a difference in the life of a child. Someone once said "It will not matter a hundred years from now what kind of clothes you wore, what kind of car you drove or what kind of house you lived in. It will matter that you made a difference in the life of a child." Second, do something kind to someone as often as possible no matter how small it may seem. Think of a honeybee whose contribution of honey to the hive over its life time is a mere one twelfth of a teaspoon. Though seemingly insignificant, when compared to the total, each bees bit of honey is vital to the life of the hive. Work that would be overwhelming for a few becomes lighter because of many faithfully doing their part. Great things are brought about and burdens are lightened through the effort of many hands anxiously engaged in a good cause. May we humbly go about our day as the honeybees go about theirs. Pollinate the world with the pure love of Christ. (M. Russell Ballard)

What is your super power?
My super power is my faith in Christ and the love of my family.

If you could interview any woman alive today, who would it be and why?
I would like to interview Laura Bush. She has done much volunteer work throughout her life. She was a teacher and librarian. She worked hard as First Lady to promote literacy in America. She is supposed to have a good recipe for cowboy cookies too.

What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
When I was five years old I wanted to be a cowgirl like Annie Oakley and Dale Evans. Happy trails to you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Betsy McLaughlin

Woman of the Week

Betsy is a unique and beautiful soul. She is loving, compassionate and very strong-willed. She is also a fellow red-head in the family! Meet my cousin Betsy. I have fond memories of her growing up, she has always been a role model, even before I knew what that was! This is my first "family feature" in the Echo Project.

What do you do for a living?
The job I perform for an income is a workers compensation utilization review nurse/ telephonic triage nurse. The job I do daily and love is being a wife and mother.
What is your purpose in life? 

What is your life purpose? My purpose in life is still being discovered on a daily basis. I strive to be a great human being that is honest, positive, accepting of all.

If you had the attention of every woman on the planet what would you say to us?
If I had the attention of all women in the world, I would tell them to stand strong, stand proud and never give up. We have to love and accept who we are at that moment. Don't let the world put you in a box. You decide who you want to be, even if it changes over time.

What is your superpower?
 My superpower is determination, stubbornness and the ability to see many different points of view. (I may not always agree, but I can see why others may have come to that POV)

If you could interview any woman alive today who would it be and why? I would interview Malala Yousafzai. I would like to know where she got her strength and determination at such a young age. What an inspiration to other oppressed young girls and women.

What is one of your biggest accomplishments?
My proudest accomplishment is my children. They are all three accomplished in sports and education. But what makes me the proudest is their kindness and acceptance of others.

Secrets of Self Mastery - #3 How To Change The World

Secret # 3 - How To Change The World

I used to have anxiety about my life's purpose. Not trying to figure it out, but the angst of trying to change the world - make a huge impact for the betterment of humanity. I felt like I needed to have a million conversations at once and be in a million places simultaneously. I was always searching for my one cause - my purpose for being here. It wore me out - it was exhausting! I would stress out about having to travel the world to find the people I was supposed to help and place I was supposed to be. 

I have since had an epiphany. Thank goodness. I realized that I change the world by impacting the people in my direct circumference. I can make a greater difference by making sure the people in my life are winning in their life. I got REALLY clear that I win if they I win. That is the ultimate game. 

Since shifting my perception, my life has opened up and I started to really get how incredible people in my life really are! They are up to big things, they have big hearts and they want to make a difference too. It is exponential math really. If my friends, family and colleagues are empowered, the ripple effect is endless. 

My life's work is to have an impact globally and I can see that it all starts with you. You can count on me to make sure you are winning in your life. You can count on me to have conversations with you that will make a difference. You can count on me to change the world. 

Much love.