Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Secret To Happiness

“The secret to happiness is….there is no secret.”

We have all seen those articles with that cute photo of a family, a women lounging on a beach or the photo of the perfect couple holding hands that claim they have the 10 secrets to being truly happy. 

I am usually left deflated when I read those - “well duh” is my only comment to - "be grateful”... “exercise”... "spend time with those you love”... pursue a hobby”….

I think a better question to answer and go after is - what brings you joy?

What I have noticed is that JOY is different for everyone - because we all have something unique to get from our time on this planet and we are all one-of-a-kind. 

Before we can aim for joy, it is good to define the difference between joy and happiness - which there are many. 

One that I love is from Danielle Laporte - 
"Happiness is like rising bubbles — delightful and inevitably fleeting. Joy is the oxygen — ever present.”

Another one that resonates with me is from Psychologies - 
"Joy and happiness are wonderful feelings to experience, but are very different. Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally. It comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are, whereas happiness tends to be externally triggered and is based on other people, things, places, thoughts and events."

When I stop and think about the experience of joy, I think of when I am truly myself - no holding back. I feel confident, I feel centered and I am calm. Things click and laughter is abundant. 

When I am authentic, I am more apt to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and am curious vs. judgmental. Things are less personal so they can't trigger me as easily. This is how I relate to joy. call to action is to be curious about who YOU are. Reconnect to your intuition. Let go of an external search for something out there because the truth is….you are the only one who has the answer. 



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